

Did you know ...

... that Burt Nelissen, Carlos Jorissen and Joeri Gevers, the three cousins who today run Nelissen Brickworks, have a magical brick in their range? That’s right, it’s the Dubio! A brick that makes you doubt what you see. By applying one or two shadow joints to the brick’s face, it appears as if two or three bricks are stacked on top of one another. But, in reality, it is just one, single brick.

The Dubio is a fine example of a trompe l'oeil. An optical illusion. You are, as it were, duped just by looking at them. This mysterious brick is a world-first, conceived and designed by Roel Vandebeek. He is a renowned product designer from Maasmechelen. He dared to make changes to the brick - our national pride, which until then, no one had dared to modify. He took his design to the trio that now runs Nelissen Bricks, and they gave the green light to bring the Dubio to market.

Yet more proof of the fact that this family business is open to innovation. Together with co-creation and sustainability, innovation is one of the three fundamental values that this family business has been putting into practice for 100 years now. Roel Vandebeek drew his inspiration for the Dubio from his wife and brother-in-law. They are architects. According to its creator, the Dubio gives architects an extra tool to play with. It has its own identity and gives the brick a sexy character. The Dubio is also a prize-winner. It is the recipient of many awards, not only here at home but also from our neighbours to the east.
Did you know…