
Get inspired by our moodboards: Revolt 1

Nelissen is keen to stay on top of recent trends. That's why we've been working with trend studio Francq Colors for a while now. The result of the latest collaboration are 12 inspiring and contemporary mood boards combining our bricks with complementary products. Bricks not only provide a robust foundation for a construction project. They also add aesthetic value, especially when combined with the right materials.

Moodboard series 4: Revolt 1

Brand overview: Nelissen | Magna Glaskeramik | Carpentier | Leolux | Akzonobel - Sikkens

The energy crisis, the climate crisis, the corona crisis. Life nowadays seems like a succession of crises. A growing amount of people are realising that during such crises we cannot rely on our leaders in the government to take the right decisions on our behalf. Consequently, trust in the established order is disappearing and we are taking more and more aspects of our daily lives into our own hands. This is exactly what REVOLT stands for.

Brand overview: Nelissen | Akzonobel - Sikkens

Not only we as individuals feel a great responsibility to create a better world, brands are also taking responsability. The ‘purpose’ is no longer a hollow marketing tool. It becomes equally important for brands to also take actual steps towards that better world.

Brand overview: Nelissen | Tegels De Paepe | Joli | Akzonobel - Sikkens

Consumers now expect from labels and brands what they used to expect from their leaders. The moodboards of this trend theme show a lot of links with the military in color, shape and symbols. Yet the biggest inspiration lies in nature and in recycled and upcycled materials.

Brand overview: Nelissen | Carpentier | Akzonobel - Sikkens

Although the energy and corona crisis is dire, the climate crisis will in the long run command the greatest urgency. Designers, labels and companies are committed to making their production process and especially their mindset more sustainable. 
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