
View with normal joint

In traditional masonry joints of 10 mm to 12 mm are common, but that does not mean there are no other options. It's not easy to choose the right colour of the joints. The joint can cover up to 25% of the façade and thus it largely determines the appearance of the façade. Adding a light colour for example, emphasizes the colour of the bricks whereas a dark colour gives the façade a darker look. It is also possible to work tone on tone, making the colour more intense.

To know what effect the colour of the joints will have on your wall, check out our mix & joint module.

Masonry owes its appearance to various factors. The type of brick, colour, and also the finish of the joints play a decisive role.


Glued look

A trend that becomes more and more popular is the glueing of bricks. With glued facing bricks, the façade gets all the attention, since there are no visible joints.

Glued walls give the impression only to consist of stacked bricks. Do you want a modern, austere architecture with clean lines? Then you should certainly consider this processing method.

The colour of your brick will be much more intense than with a joint. Glued walls have a higher strength than traditional walls. Glued bricks have three advantages: lower chance of efflorescence, lower chance of scaling and a higher durability. All bricks can be glued using the correct mortar. In most projects, the colour of the mortar is adjusted to the brick.

Look with small joints - thin-bed mortar

An appropriate alternative for glued bricks is working with thin-bed mortar. You will obtain the same result as glued bricks.

The bricks are central and the colour of the bricks gets the attention that it deserves. You will get a modern and sleek project thanks to the massive walls with great expressiveness. It is cemented in the normal way but the joint is only 5 mm to 6 mm as opposed to a traditional joint of ± 10 mm.

Also thin-bed mortar that can be adapted to the colour of the brick.